In November of 1913 Felix Sommerfeld made the acquaintance of a special envoy and friend of President Woodrow Wilson: William Bayard Hale. Born in 1869, Hale studied at Boston and Harvard
universities. He graduated from Episcopal Seminary College in Cambridge. He
began his career as an ordained priest in Boston in 1893. In 1900 the then
thirty-one-year-old Hale decided to become a journalist. As a first job, the
retired clergyman signed on as managing editor of the Cosmopolitan Magazine.
After three years he switched to the Philadelphia Public Ledger and ran the
editorial board until 1906, when the New York Times hired him as foreign
correspondent for Paris, France. In
1908, Hale also wrote for the New York American, a Hearst paper, as its Berlin
correspondent. Widely acclaimed for his thoughtful political analysis, the
journalist and author interviewed the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II. This interview was
according to some the most insightful ever with the German monarch. The
following year, 1909, Hale married Olga Unger, a German-American in London. As
a personal friend and adviser of then governor of New Jersey, Hale wrote and
published Woodrow Wilson’s biography in 1911. He played a major role in the
highly contested presidential election campaign of 1912. As Wilson’s friend and
confidante Hale went on sensitive diplomatic
missions in 1913 and 1914 concerning the Mexican Revolution and upheavals in Central America. The first such mission resulted in the dismissal of
the notorious American ambassador to Mexico, Henry Lane Wilson. Sommerfeld had
organized meetings between Hale and the First Chief of the Constitutionalists
in Mexico, Venustiano Carranza.
According to Sommerfeld’s testimony in 1918, Dr. Hale had a hard time
negotiating with Carranza in the fall of 1913. To begin with the First
Chief refused to see Wilson’s emissary since Hale did not have official
government credentials. Always a stickler for process, Carranza wanted to force Wilson into a de-facto
recognition that mandated a diplomatic representative to be dispatched to
him. Naturally, not lacking a measure of
pigheadedness himself, Wilson did not accept. To prevent the issue from coming
to a head, the Wilson administration relied on Felix Sommerfeld in November 1913
to intercede with Carranza. “While in Sonora Mr. William Hale came there and we went to the border
and arranged a meeting between Carranza and Hale and acted as a go-between.”
It took Sommerfeld from November 2 until November 12, 1913 to get Carranza to grant the audience. However, Sommerfeld’s job had just started. Carranza refused to discuss anything that, in his
opinion, touched upon affairs of a domestic nature. At issue was President
Wilson’s attempt to somehow arrive at a compromise
government for Mexico that would be able to allow for and set up national
elections. Of course, by November the Constitutionalists had just won several
major battles and had no interest in compromise. The talks quickly stalled.
According to historian Cumberland, Hale threatened U.S. intervention and
Carranza retorted with the threat of war. Sommerfeld recalled, “…they [Hale and
Carranza] were always sparring
around and after the meetings I would go and talk to Carranza.”
The efforts of the German agent came to nothing. Hale and Carranza split in a huff. The First Chief’s mode of
operation, being dilatory, delegating, and insisting on written communication,
directly contradicted Hale’s “go-getter” energy. Sommerfeld tried again to bridge the gap. At the
urging of Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, the German agent rushed to Tucson, Arizona on November 10th 1913,
where Hale waited in vain to be received by Carranza. “I came back because I heard that Dr.
Hale had left Carranza in disgust or anger. I met Dr. Hale in Arizona
and told him not to lose his patience because Carranza was stubborn and wouldn't let the United
States interfere in Mexican politics. He wouldn't discuss politics with Dr.
Hale. I told him ‘sit still, I am going down to see him.’…I tried to coax him
to come off the high horse. He wouldn't …
The problems Hale faced in relating to the
First Chief were symptomatic for many who had dealings with the stubborn
politician from Coahuila. In part because of his failed attempts to broker an
agreement between Hale and Carranza, Sommerfeld realized that he as well could not
get along with Carranza. It is unclear whether, as Sommerfeld
recounted, Carranza asked him
to work with Pancho Villa, or whether Sommerfeld was fired as a result of the Hale
intervention. However, around Christmas 1913, Sommerfeld switched from the
Carranza to the
Villa camp. From that moment on Carranza is not
known to have ever again personally interacted with Sommerfeld. Historical
sources after December 1913 show only lawyer and lobbyist Sherburne G. Hopkins officially working for Carranza. One other fact, however, became painfully
apparent: The American embassy in Mexico City as well as the Latin American
desk in the State Department in 1913 and beyond had lost their roles as policy
advisers of the American President.
Sommerfeld would again work with the American journalist in 1914. After a disagreement with the President, Hale was looking for a job. Sommerfeld, always a keen observer and strategist recommended his friend to Bernhard Dernburg who was then heading the German propaganda effort in the US. Hale was hired to "fix" the dilettantism of German efforts. In 1917, William Randolph Hearst sent him to Europe as a war correspondent. Largely discredited and shunned as a traitor, Hale spent most of the time after the war until his death in 1924 in Europe.